
Apartment Window Carnival

Well, I sent out quite a few e-mails today to say hi to people, so there actually might be people reading this. If there are, then hi. Feel free to make comments and make me feel important. Because that just doesn't happen as much as it should.

So there's this apartment window in the building just south of mine. I walk past it every time I walk to the El. And almost every time I do, there's something crazy going on. It's the most entertaining window on the block, which isn't saying much, because most of them are just closed. Anyway, one morning I walked past this window and there were beats coming out of the window. Also coming out of the window was the head of a large black man, who was rapping. He was seriously just rapping out his window. I looked around to see if there was anyone he was specifically rapping at, like maybe he was having a battle with a dude in a window across the street, but there was nothing. He was just rapping. It was pretty good (as if I'm an expert) so I bobbed my head appreciatively as I walked by. I doubt the approving head bob of a white boy really meant much to him, but I like to think that I made his day.

So today, I walk by and there's a different black guy holding a little baby girl. She was a pretty cute baby, at least from my vantage point on the street. As I walked by the guy held the baby up to the window and said (I swear I am not making this up), "Wave, baby. Wave to the white boy." I think I managed a weak wave and a hi before walking away, shaking my head at how hilarious and yet sad the whole situation was. I can't help but think that after that exchange, the little baby received its first speech on why she shouldn't trust the white man. I'm glad I could be the instigator for that.

So this window has set quite a precedent for entertainment. It better not let me down. Tomorrow I'm hoping for something involving pyrotechnics and Public Enemy. I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim! This blog thing is really cool. Have you ever experienced the oddness of seeing or hearing about something completely new to you and then all of a sudden you see and hear about it every where you go? Happened with me and blogging. I had never heard of it before you sent your email the other day and in today's Jacksonville paper there is an entire article on blogging. Craziness! Anywho, I've enjoyed reading your entries. After reading this particular article on the window carnival, I began thinking about all you would learn from your internship. I have a feeling you will learn much more than the classes will offer. Circumstances such as the window scene most likely will give you more to think about in life. As I read about the rapper, number one (here I go with my famous listing) I could totally see you walking down the sidewalk, a thin, white man bobbing his head to rap. Seemed like something I'd see on a commercial. Second, I wondered what his family situation is and if he's happy. I don't know if this makes sense at all; it's just how my mind works. Sorry to be so insightful and long...I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. I'm not being all emo...just thinking about life. Basically, life after college. Enough of that, it's great to hear about your days. Work was not good today and after reading your entries, it made me feel better. Thanks for the entertainment! ~Bentley