
Hello McFly

One of my Second City classmates went to Zanies this weekend to see Thomas F. Wilson, aka Biff from Back to the Future, perform stand-up.

Due to a scheduling mixup, he saw Mort Sahl, a living comedic legend and contemporary to Lenny Bruce.

He was pretty pissed about not seeing Biff.

I would have been too.


Rob said...

I don't even know who Mort Sahl is... so I IMDB'd him. That was mostly unsuccessful, although he was a lifetime supporter of Playboy apparently. Then I tried YouTube: nothing. So much for "Comedic Legend," anyone who's anyone should clearly be on YouTube. Clearly just a hack, I would have rather seen Biff as well.

Scott said...

Seriously. Oh yes, what a comedic legend he must be. Someone who has NEVER HAD A COMEDY CENTRAL HALF HOUR SPECIAL, which as we all know is the truest measure of talent. I think he's a comedic legend because he has made it this long without becoming famous.

Let's examine this man's work with
a quote from his Wikipedia page:

"There's so much Botox around now that you can't tell when a Jewish girl is angry!"

Wow, look out kids or you might cut yourself on this man's razor sharp edge. Oooh, and have we seen his webpage? What is made on some kind of WYSIWYG editor? And look! He owns a domain name, but it's hosted by Geoshitties.

Man. If that's what constitutes a living comedic legend you can see why we make such a big deal about the ones who are dead.

- Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah, he pretty much peaked 30 years ago. But he's still alive and performing. Bad career move, I say.

But people in comedy really do think this guy is something special. I think he's just bitter.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Besides, he's an American Master. PBS says so, you jerks.


Scott said...

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that PBS thinks he's cool. I'm on board now. I mean, what kind of man would I be to stand by my criticism of his ediginess when PBS, the PBS, says otherwise.

...This kind.

Further, Nessa wrote something on the topic that I'm linking and commenting.

Stephen Colbert was interviewing Lowell Bergman this morning on the Colbert Report regarding the upcoming PBS/Frontline special "The Enemy Within" (PBS October 10th). At the end of the interview Mr. Bergman said, "I have a question for you now." And Colbert replied, "Oh here it comes, the liberal trap..."

Mr. Bergman went on, "Why do so many young people watch your show, and not PBS?" and Colbert responded, "Um, because it's good?"
End Quote

I think that about sums it up. Props to Nessa

- Scott