
Those of you who are the least bit observant have probably noticed that I've been trying something a little different with the blog this week.

Actually posting, for one. That's new.

But the format has changed a little bit. I've been inspired by the discovery of a couple great blogs from fellow Chicago improvisers Arnie and Sarah. Arnie's previous blog, A Year Following the Breakup, was particularly moving. Obviously, nothing that traumatic has happened to me, but I still like the format. So I'm going to completely steal it. At least for a little while. I'll see how I like it.

Hey, at least it's got me posting regularly again. That's something.


Scott said...

Yeah, I considered it a new direction. It works, and you're posting again. So I'll take it. I had seen "A Year Following the Breakup" before, though I don't remember how I got there now. Probably from here. And I think I looked at it maybe twice.

Anwyay, it works. But don't forsake titles. I've always viewed them as perfect distillers of snark.

- Scott

Scott said...

Oh, by the way, the new format makes it 70 to 80% more emo. I didn't know you had it in you.

- Scott

Jake said...

I'm glad you've decided to join me in emoville. it gets so lonely here. so...alone...