
Shalom, Tobit!

My ComedySportz student show was this Sunday - thanks to all who made the trip to see it. You guys rule. It was a pretty fun show to play in and I think that made it fun to watch, so I hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry, anyone who is mad that they missed it - there will be more and perhaps then we will do a better job of making up awkward white-boy rap.

Speaking of which, I think rapping about the Chronicles of Narnia is pretty funny too, everybody. I do.

To the guy who started talking to Andy, Keri and I as we crossed Clark St: were you quoting scripture? It kind of sounded like it, but then you started saying some really weird stuff about leaves that were the color of watermelons, and I don't think they had watermelons in biblical times. They're a modern day invention, creepy man. Maybe you were quoting from Tobit. There are bits in that "lost book" about killing dragons.

Big thanks to the squadron of Santas on bicycles who passed Marshall Fields on Saturday. You guys were great. SUPER big thanks to the guy at the back of a pack who was dressed as a dreidel. You have balls, my friend. Balls and a great dreidel costume.

1 comment:

C_thegreat said...

Maybe the book "Bel and the Dragon?" I dunno, it's part of the Apocrypha... could sound Biblical, has a dragon, and I guess I have no clue about the watermelon part... I personally stick to the canonized books.

That Chronicles of Narnia video was hilarious. Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

Merry Christmas