
Found a brick and I'm drowning slowly...

When my dad was investigating my bathroom last weekend (as he has been known to do), he commented that our toilet was running more than it should.

Thus began my quest. To Find a Brick: a Ryder's Tale.

You all remember those crazy environmentalists who used to tell you to put a brick in your toilet tank to conserve water. Well, screw those guys. I just wanted to save us money. But I needed a brick nonetheless.

This led me to the following dilemma: where does one buy a brick? I mean, AH brick. One brick. To the best of my understanding, these things are normally bought in bulk or fired in one's own kiln. (Josh, correct me if I'm wrong.) I checked Walgreens, but they didn't stock bricks. So I was pretty much out of ideas.

td recommended we just steal one from the construction site next door or even the old ComedySportz theatre. That would have been fun, now that I think about it. A little piece of comedy sitting in our toilet tank. Anyway, I went to our back alley to poke around.

Found one in 30 seconds.

Thanks, City of Chicago and guys building things, for making bricks accessible and affordable for all of us!


Scott said...

I was once in a similar dilemma. No bricks in sight. However I did have an empty 2-Liter soda bottle. Filled with water it's just as well as a brick in the toilet. Also cleaner, and less likely to shatter the porcelin in the event of an earthquake. You never realize it until it happens, but in an earthquake, your first thoughts are of your toilet tank.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

You bastard.

They needed that brick. Now their contract will run over, the company will go out of business, and they'll all be found poor and waiting in the unemployment line.

I may ... I may be overreacting.

Josh said...

You would be correct with your assumption. I'll give you that one. However the next time you need to know how to make mortar, I'm not telling you.

Just to get this out there. In our 24 hours time in CA, we've already been to church, meeting Sharkboy AND Lavagirl. And the Ice Princess.
What have you slackers done?