
Improv babies

One of my teammates on The Senate recently had a baby. As any proud parent would, he brought the little thing to rehearsal last week.

This is little Evangeline. She's a whopping three weeks old now and less alien-looking than this picture would have you believe. Completely adorable. She barely made a peep the entire two-hour rehearsal and when she did, it was a brilliant initiation.

Seriously, she gave you a lot to work with. Great stage presence too.

Of course, we were all instantly reduced to cooing adorers, which I'm sure was interesting to the three new people sitting in with us. Irene held her for so long, we thought she was going to run off with her. It would be just like Irene to turn into a baby stealer.

Evangeline's head is still pretty soft. That's fun.


Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!!! And I must say, I appreciate the name Evangeline. Very nice. Congrats to your friend :0)

Scott said...

Who's practicing their pitcher's grip on the little baseball sized head?

I mean, the game is pretty boring, sure. But I don't think this is the way to jazz it up.

C_thegreat said...

you know you're not supposed to press down on the soft spot right?

Just the PSA of the day from a friendly neighbor.


Unknown said...

On second blush, my favorite thing about this picture is the Baby-Turban.

It makes her seem so wise. I want to ask her the great questions in life.

tara d. said...

thankfully, everyone has addressed my sentiments.