
Ironically, it's a very childish act

There is one solid example I can point to in order to certify that I am now, in fact, a practicing adult.

When I purchase a new loaf of bread, the first thing I do is throw away the front heel. I'm never going to eat it and quite frankly, I grow weary of reaching around it every time I go for bread.

It is my bread and I feel just fine with my decision.

I'm so grown up.


Kyle Lobner said...

In that case, here's a bonafide example of how much of a practicing packrat I am.

Yesterday, I reached into the freezer and removed two slices of bread from the loaf. All that was left was the front heel and the back heel. I thought about it for a second, then consciously made the decision to put both heels back in the freezer.

I do cook things with breadcrumbs in them sometimes, though, so I may actually use them someday.


Anonymous said...

You know you shouldn't waste that bread. Why don't you break it up into little pieces and drop it for the birds when you go outside? Or you can offer it to that crazy guy you met last weekend! Mom

Anonymous said...

now i always keep that front heel in because since i was little i always had in mind that it blocked the other bread from getting stale as quickly...like a shield if you will. somehow at 23, this stupid little theory continues to produce this behavior.

seriously though, don't throw it away, feed it to birds or if there is a pond or lake in the vicinity, to the crazy ducks :)

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Less than 6 hours before Mom commented and told me not to waste that bread.

Looks like I just won the office pool.

Anonymous said...

Some say it's the little rebellions that are the most important.

Oh, and the heel does help keep the other bread from going stale. Exposure to air is one factor in drying out bread, and the heel helps slow this process.

OH! And if you have some cookies which have gone stale, drop the heel into the jar with them and seal it up. An hour later, the bread will have reinvigorated the cookies. I KID YOU NOT. It really works. And I know how you love cookies.

Rob said...

Emeric: Totaly true! My grandma taught me that trick long ago... its amazing.

Tim: I save the heels because I know, inevitably that I will procrastinate in buying a new loaf of bread and the time will come that I am starving and I will eventually eat it.

OR Ro will remind me and I'll get bread in time and throw the heels away.

Josh said...

Bread out of a breadmaker is somehow exempt from this rule, as every slice is fantastic. Wait, I think making bread in a breadmaker just qualified me as an adult. Crafty, T-Balls, Crafty.