
Hanging from a cliff

In the past week, I've watched Star Wars: Episode III and the season finales for Everwood, Gilmore Girls, ER and The OC. In short, I'm an emotional wreck. Why can't these shows resolve anything? Just resolve something - just one arc, that's all I ask. But no, they have to tease us and leave us hanging from cliffs, just so we'll be tortured all summer until the new season starts. The worst is when there's a cliffhanger and then they cancel the series so then you never find out who shot Mr. Belvedere.

The problem with having to catch up with all these finales after being away for a week is now they all started to congeal into one show after a while. So, as best as I can figure, here's where we stand: Rory Gilmore isn't going back to Yale - in face, she's going to Africa to reunite with her boyfriend, who actually just flew to Europe because there was nothing left for him in Everwood except a crazy dad who's in prison. But his other son just hitchhiked his way out of Chicago to come visit him. Meanwhile, Rory's mom has a drinking problem and is going away to rehab, but not before she proposes to the dude who attacked her best friend and later gets shot by the lead singer of Death Cab for Cutie. Oh, and everyone's porch collapses. Now that's good TV.

After all that drama, I needed to cheer up, so I watched some movie trailers. Often, I enjoy movie trailers more than the actual movies. (I've mentioned this before.) While this might not be true for you, if this doesn't make you smile, you might not be entirely human. Enjoy.


Scott said...
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Scott said...

Ah Morgan Freeman, what part won't you take? He's like a soldier of fortune, but in lieu of shooting people he delivers earthy, soulful narration. A narrator of fortune if you will.

But I kid, the movie (which looks like something I would sit down watch on Discovery for free) seems to have promise. As long as the penguins really have that sizzling chemistry. I mean, with the last penguin love story I saw everything just felt so forced you know? There was just no spark.

What I'm saying is there better be some pretty hot penguin love scenes.

- Scott

C_thegreat said...

Are you referring to "Scamper the Penguin" as the penguins with no spark?
My theory is those two only mated because he was blue and she was pink. It seemed too obvious.

Scott said...

I agree, the film makers took no risks. Why not a love triangle between the Scamper, Snowflake, and Louie? Really, there could be this dramatic scene where it all comes to a head and we find out that Snowflake has been playing them both because she was ignored by her family because of her older prettier sister and she's always needed that validation.

Then Scamper proposes to her on the spot, this sends Louie (the dog) into a rage and he angrily pushes Scamper into the sea where he is eaten by Orcas. Consumed by guilt he then takes his own life, and Snowflake is left to raise the bastard children of Scamper on her own... until two chipmunks on vacation come into the picture...

See there's alot of unexplored area here. Let's hope "March" gets it right.

- Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

I just like the way they waddle. It's funny.