
No seriously, they're space cowboys

Holy crap! A Smoosh video? How adorable!

Remember when my blog used to be filled with exciting things like church camp and island adventures? I remember those things too. Those were good days.

My blog is not very exciting at the moment because my life is not very exciting at the moment. Just a lot of mundane stuff you do before you move, I guess. My biggest accomplishments today were returning a library book and measuring a desk. I could tell you everything that happens in every day, like Kevin Smith apparently does now, but I doubt you would find posts about Eragon, NHL 2004, and Veronica Mars very exciting. (Although Veronica Mars is a great show. Both Kevin Smith and Joss Whedon say so.)

Speaking of Joss Whedon, only two days until Serenity. I never understood what all the fuss about Firefly (the failed, nay, axe-murdered TV show on which the film is based) was about. Then I watched it. And it's really good. So that's something to look forward to. Me and my fellow geeks (read: Scott, Rob) are planning to catch the late show on Friday. Scott says that not only will he be watching all 14 episodes (including the 2-hour pilot) on Friday, he'll also be dressing up for the film. I hope he's kidding. On both counts. Actually, I hope he's not.

Okay, sorry I'm so boring that I'm telling you how excited I am to see a space western that comes out this week. Maybe tomorrow, if you're lucky, I'll tell you the story of the time my college roommate almost killed me with an apple. I think it deserves to be preserved.

Finally, I've been listening heavily to Explosions in the Sky and Sigur Ros recently. Do the meandering, instrumental songs that are sometimes sung in a made-up language (when there are words at all) reflect my current state of being? Discuss.


Rob said...


Geeze, why don't you just change your profile pic to some ridiculously extreme angle shot and blog about how your breakfast ceral reminded you of all the pain/suffering in the world and write a song about it.

Scott said...

Boring? I give it about 7 more days to be boring. After that it pretty damned well be exciting, because I'm hoping for some good content. Also, how can you claim that your life has been anything other than riveting lately? I seem to remember a man date to go see Just Like Heaven recently...

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Joss Whedon is a god....how dare you call him boring?

Speaking of which, I started to pick out the Angel theme song on my cello but I can only pluck it so it sounds like kind of a cross between the Angel theme and the Seinfeld theme. So far I can do the “bowing” (bow-ing?) and the left hand fingering but not both at once so I’ve stuck mainly to songs that only use c. d. g. or a so I’ve got the worship songs DOWN…

I’ll keep working on it, though. It’ll be like a Christmas present for you and Cate, because I’m cheap like that.


Scott said...

To recap Keri likes,

Franz Ferdinand, Perfect Dark, and Joss Whedon.

So will you like... marry me?

Think it over.

- Scott

Rob said...

I like seeing how people took me saying "Boring." First off it was 7 minutes after my alarm going off this morning, and as a general rule you can't hold me accountable for anything I say that early anyways. But most importantly, I was saying that Tim was boring, and he should surrender and fully emo-ize his blog.

Joss Whedon is a god in my book as well, but probably for an entirely different reason than you guys... I was quite fan of the original Buffy. I even have the paperback version as well as the DVD. Kristy Swanson can slay me anyday.

raph said...


Anonymous said...

Uh... what if I told you I kinda liked Franz Ferdinand until their latest single... I was never in love with them, nor did I expect much from their follow up. What then? would you still love me?

circle one!!!!



Anxiously awaiting your reply.


P.S. Tim, at least being bored means you have time to, you know.... live. I haven't even gotten to see Corpse Bride yet so Serenity will have to wait a while.

Scott said...

Yes my love, I believe so. Then I take it we were in agreement over The Killers. Also a good band. To tell the truth lots of people share musical tastes, but how many girls like Joss Whedon AND Perfect Dark?! Just you my darling, just you.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

Oh Scott, you have no idea how many long days I've waited for you to say those very words! How my heart has longed for the day when you would finally come out and profess your love to me on the comment post of a mutual friend's blog! I used to spend long hours sitting by my computer daydreaming about you and bufford the wonder blog and how happy we would be together while I refreshed the page over... and over... just waiting for your next post when I could hungrily devour your every word, savor it, and lock it away in my heart until the day we should correspond again. Each beautifully written word is like a fiery arrow to my very soul! It's as though you read the opendiary of my heart and gave me 10 eprops! Come! Let us run away together somewhere we can be free of social expecations of face to face conversation! Let us go to ecrush, facebook (poke!), xanga or - dare I say - yahoo matrimony? Say the word, my darling, and I'm there.

Excuse me, I have a livejournal to update.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

This...is getting weird.

Rob said...

its amazing... Tim, even when you're boring your commentors totally pick up the slack for you.

Anonymous said...

angel theme!!! best christmas present EVER.

i would never normally take the time to stop and comment, but-
I can't believe i'm getting no credit here. Keri wouldnt even KNOW about the genius that is joss whedon had it not been for me, spending saturday night after saturday night at home watching angel, begging for the DVD as a present, and basically making her watch it until she was hooked.
plus, i probably beat everyone here to corpse bride.