
A wagonful of pamcakes? In the champeenship?

Haven't posted for a week. Sorry. Much to report. But not tonight. Tonight, two things:

My favorite commercial right now is the one with the song that goes, "Being a dad is AWE-some." I sing along every time.

Also, my little second cousin Layla is hilarious. I went to her fourth birthday party and put together Dora's Talking Kitchen for her. That's right - a talking kitchen. Assembled by me.

Anyway, she got a cat and named it Waffle, after what she had for breakfast that morning.

Then she found a stray cat at that landfill. She brought it home and kept it. Its name?



Rob said...

Hey Scott.... Speaking of Tim's cousins. Know who my favorite is?

Scott said...

You know, Goofy, of Goof Troop fame, had a cat named Waffles. Weird. Almost as weird as thinking about your little cousin Layla being at a landfill. What is she doing at a landfill? And why are they called landfills anyway? Did someone look and that land and decide it's looking kind of empty? Maybe the best thing is to fill it up with something that's plentiful, but that we currently have no place for. Then somebody said garbage. Brilliant!

But anyway, I'm now making comments in lieu of actually posting on my blog. How about that? You can get your fix tomorrow.

- Scott

Jake said...

She named cats after foods? How childish.

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