
The coolest brothers this side of...well...me and mine.

Strong Bad E-mail 110: For kids

Not a whole lot to say. Just that if you haven't watched this week's Strong Bad e-mail, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Strong Bad blowing up and yelling is hilarious. A caffeinated Strong Sad might be the only thing that beats it.

Although nothing beats when Kermit the Frog gets flustered and starts flailing his arms. Nothing.


Anonymous said...

That SBEmail is the best in a long time. And that's no easy feat.

- Jake

Scott said...

I'd have to agree. Excelent Strong Bad. However, there is a NOT excelent shortage of TimmyTapeWorm. I hope I didn't run him off with my amazingly well thought out, if over blown reply to his reply to my original comment. I'll be the bigger man and say it: "My bad".

I was of course, kidding. Now bring back the bloggy goodness. - Scott

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Don't worry, Scotty. Although your second response was much improved, it certainly didn't scare me off. I've just been moving and packing and crap. So nothing is "your bad", except of course for the stuff that is your bad, which is quite a lot.