
How narcissistic can one guy be?

This honestly happened this evening. I was playing with my cell phone because it was flipping out this afternoon and refused to work. Well, it apparently had a change of heart (removing the battery and then putting it back is the equivalent of threatening a cell phone with a shiv) and was working. So I decided to test my cell phone the only way I knew how - I called myself. I seriously called my college extension. But when the voicemail picked up, the real fun began.

Some people would accept that the phone was working and call it quits at that point. Not I. I left myself a message for myself. This is a paraphrased transcript:

"Wow, what a great voicemail message. You sound like a really cool guy. We should probably hang out sometime, because you sound really cool. Oh man, what a great message. So funny! So cool..."

If that's not hilarious, then you're not me.


Scott said...

Ah narcissism, thy name is Tim. I guess all really attractive, smart, funny people find themselves amazing. And at some point one of us said that you could too. And for that you can thank me - Scott

Anonymous said...

Tim, I've done the EXACT SAME THING! Do you think you're cool now?! HA!



Anonymous said...

lol, i thought it was funny. but then again you are pretty funny... funny looking! hahaha, ok, i've got the worst jokes in the world, but i miss youuuuu~~!!!

holla atcha gurl.
