
There and back again

Current mood: Ponderant
Currently listening to: Snow Patrol - Final Straw
(Xanga and Livejournal people can put these things at the top of their posts and they look all cool. Sometimes I get jealous.)

I went home for a few days this weekend, to see the fam and enjoy a little time together before we once again scatter across the country. It was great to see them, especially my brother and his girlfriend, even if they were so freaking cute that they made me ill. But since our age group likes lists, here are some things I learned this weekend.

- Some planes are very small. The plane that flies between Des Moines and St. Louis is not Tim-friendly. The plane that flies between St. Louis and Springfield, IL is downright Tim-hostile.

- Hotshot business kids from Texas think they're all bad because their state was once its own country. Whoop-de-do.

- Don't put your luggage in the way of hotshot business kids from Texas. They will show no mercy.

- My brother's girlfriend has a really funny laugh, but only sometimes. Doing a horrendously exaggerated version of said laugh is now one of my favorite things to do and may count as our first inside joke. That's exciting.

- If there's a competitive person around, anything can become competitive. ANYTHING.

- It's not a good idea to watch a movie that concludes with an emotional scene in an airport (i.e. Garden State) if you're going to have your own emotional scene in an airport the next day.

- The Drake Admissions office is not open on Labor Day. So if you're a Student Ambassador, don't wake yourself up at 8:00 on the national holiday and walk all the way over to the other side of campus, because the building will be locked and dark and you'll be left cursing your own stupidity.

And finally,

- I have the greatest family and friends ever. For serious.


Anonymous said...

Timmy, great post. Thanks for not ratting me out about cheating at cards. A serious bummer about the closed admissions office, but how cool are you for getting up that early?! (interrobang!) Overall, a great summation of the weekend. I am sure the next time I see you my laugh will be even more exaggerated. But I am so pumped to have an inside joke. So, looking forward to Thanksgiving!!! (and you weren't talking about me making things competitive were you? you meant Josh right?)

Anonymous said...

For one I am glad that you folded yourself up in a plane and wrestled the other commuters from Texas so that we (The French's) could see you for a couple of hours. We had a great time as always and we too hope to see you over the holidays. I have read your site and it is very entertaining to say the least..I will visit again. Mom French

Scott said...

There and back again, a Ryders Tale. And yet another Lord of the Rings reference. Not that I mind, I'm a LOTR geek from way back. But the blog title, the post name...what's your next post "a long expected party" or maybe with the freshman influx "many meetings"?

In anycase, I'd agree with most of your points in the post. Considering that I'm one of them, yeah you do have the some of the greatest friends around. I wish I could clone myself. Then I could too ;-). Kidding of course. I don't want the Xerox of me moving in on my territory. - Scott

P.S. yeah, I'm jealous of those damn Xanga/LJ fools with their snazzy little "mood/music" thing. Bastards! Oh well, I think we know where the talent is.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Allyn - Actually, I forgot about the cheating incident. If I had remembered, I would definitely have included it to tell everyone about the WORST. CHEATING. EVER. And yeah, Josh is the competitive one. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Mom French - Thanks for coming by! Always good to hear from my favorite police dispatcher.

Scott - You want to hear the weird thing - I knew that "There and Back Again" was from something, but I couldn't remember what until you jogged my memory. That's right, I subconsciously made a LOTR reference. Now that's scary. And sad.

And I'd take talent over stupid bells and whistles every day. Real bloggers use Blogspot. Or something.