
Take the fall! Act hurt! Get indignant!

The Mighty Ducks series is the greatest sports trilogy of all time.

There, I said it.

You may ask, "Tim, what other sports trilogies are there?" To which I reply, "Uh...shut up."

Sometimes my college friends and I get on weird kicks where we really just want to do random stuff. We've been talking about a Mighty Ducks marathon for some time now and this past weekend, it finally happened.

I dubbed it "DuckFest '05."

The main reason it's taken us this long to get around to watching the movies is that they're pretty hard to find. Guess there's not a huge demand for them at Blockbuster, because we couldn't find them there. I bet they're not even released on DVD. I should start a petition... Anyway, Keri finally had to go to this HUGE place called Video Warehouse and get them. We watched the original on Friday night and the next two on Saturday.

I'm sure it's mainly because the movies are so ingrained in my upbringing, but I find them endlessly entertaining. Seriously guys, I love The Mighty Ducks. I love Averman and Goldberg and Jessie Hall and even the dudes from the first movie that didn't make it to the second, like Karp and Tommy and Terrie and that little New York punk with the leather jacket and sheriff's badge. And don't even get me started on how much I love Kenan Thompson. Finest comedy cast ever assembled, in my opinion.

And then there's the debate as to whether you're a "Connie guy" or a "Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney guy." As for me and my house, we are squarely behind Connie Moreau, but The Meez swears by The Cat, to the point of vocally berating Coach Bombay for leaving Goldberg in the game for so long. However, it should be noted that The Meez prefers the D2-era emotionally distant Cat as opposed to the out-of-her-shell D3 Cat.

This is the greatest post I have ever made. Mostly because only 4 people can understand it. And they were all at DuckFest '05.

Finally, I've determined that Ducks terminology needs to come back. The subject of this post was the battle cry for the Ducks' second game, when Bombay taught them to cheat. Hilarious. Also, I'm probably going to start calling a lot more people "cake-eaters." Turns out that phrase actually has a logical meaning, because it refers to those of the upper crust, stemming from the "Let them eat cake" phrase. Also, people in Minnesota still use it. Anyone from Edina, Minnesota is referred to as a cake-eater.

We were trying to think if we knew anyone from Edina. I thought, "Hmm...let me think of all the cake-eaters I know."

DuckFest '05. It was awesome.


Anonymous said...

Shared moment.


Scott said...

The quacktastic lingo is of course welcome to come back, but I remain loathe to accept Mighty Ducks 4 into the franchise. A shame about that...what with the existing and all. Anyway, a DuckFest is by far the best (and most obscure without being so obscure that it's popular) movie fest idea I've ever heard. Props for that.

- Scott

Anonymous said...

The fourth installment in the Mighty Ducks series of films has been officially condemned by the New Church of the Mighty Ducks and should be looked upon with the utmost disgust and indignance as one might regard a common icelander or cake-eater.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... I have all three of them on DVD. My brother got them for me for Christmas like two years ago and I totally bashed them saying I didn't want them. Needless to say I still have them and people love me for having them. The only reason he got them for me was because I am a hockey player.
I miss playing hockey and sending people to the hosptial... :-(


Jake said...

Oh God, not you too? Tim, don't let your misty-eyed nostalgia for simpler times convince you that those movies have ANY REDEEMING VALUE besides that emo-kid-childhood-memory-shrine that all the girls seem to love. They were crap. Complete, unadulterated crap.

Well, the first one was ok. But the other too? They were as ugly and unrefined as Julie the Cat.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Blasphemy, Jacob. You've just been excommunicated from the New Church of the Mighty Ducks.

Rob said...

Jacob, I'm not so sure I appreciate you associating quality 80's movie nastalgia with the damnable phrase: emo. Actually I know I don't appreciate it. I've been a collector of fine 80's movies for quite some time now (as soon as they re-released on DVD I swoop in)... and I resent any catagorical statement associating my hobby with being Emo.

2 and 3 did suck though, I'm with you on that one.