
It's a living.

For those of you who might be curious as to what I've been up to the last couple days, perhaps this might explain some things. (Go to the irresistible video category and watch "Bad Job Man.")

edit: Now you have to do a search for "Bad Job Man" to find the video. Apparently, I no longer warrant "Irresistible Video" status. Forget you, NBC 5. I should be under "Most Popular." I'm an Internet sensation.

And yes, I wrote my own jokes.

Tim Ryder: dressing like an idiot and crackin' up newsrooms since 2006.


Anonymous said...

oh my god tim!!! i am still laughing.....how much did they pay you for that? i pray you find something else soon....hahahahahaha

Scott said...

Got that in one take? No way.

Not bad man. The tone was hilarious. Though I wonder if people thought you were serious? In anycase what kind of newswoman was that? "An out of work comedian working as a person who makes others laugh. Well good luck with that." Like her job is so meticulous. Read from a monitor, misspeak simple phrases, and force banter. That's basically what she has on her Palm Pilot.

In anycase, I liked your costume the best, and you were funny. 2/2. Well played sir, well played.

- Scott

raph said...


well done, way to get some work.


nice legs by the way, you're lookin' hot :)

i like that she refers to you as "the bird guy"

again i say well done to you :)

Jake said...

I probably would enjoy this, if the damn streaming video would work. Kudos all the same.

Anonymous said...

You make a mother SO proud!! Love from your Mom

Rob said...

I knew that someone from our High School group would make it big one day. I mean first Ryan Rothe, and then Jackie Parish, oh and we can't forget about Dennis Fester making the news circuits. And now Tim Ryder, you have joined the ranks of the (in)famous. I agree! Kudos to you Timmy "Bird Legs" Ryder!

C_thegreat said...

There are no words for that.

Hilarious though. So there are laughs for that.

This was not the "being tall" gig was it?


Timmy Tapeworm said...

J fi - I can tell you that they definitely weren't paying me enough.

Scotty - Yeah, I'm a one-take mastah. There's no second chances with the news team. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, etc. But yeah, that newswoman did bungle about two different phrases in that 30-second story alone. Pretty unprofessional.

Mom F - Thanks! I wouldn't go with the "famous" bit yet, but I am on TV. Well, was on TV. For 30 seconds. Hey, it's a start.

Raph - Yeah, I'm glad I could finally put my skinny bird legs to appropriate use.

Jake - It's 2006. Learn how to use the Internet.

Mom - You know, many parents would be mortified at this. You are not. Way to be.

Rob - Rothe's cool, but other than him, it's not exactly a group I want to be a part of. Although I bet Jackie Parish has about a billion films on her resume by now.

Corie - No, this wasn't the "being tall" gig. That never came to pass. But it was through the same promotions company, so if it wasn't for that gig, I never would have been hooked up with them.

Travis said...

incredible. this could be your big break. imagine ET doing one of those "before he was a star" moments. "Where was Tim Ryder before hit movies such as .... and .... ? In a bird cage!" Oh man, good stuff. and I concur with Raph, you have nice legs, show them off and watch the job opportunities grow by leaps and bounds.

Anonymous said...



you look extremely sexy..
lemme hop into that cage wit you!

-hot sauce

Jake said...

I'm sorry, Tim, but that webpage is more confusing than a microwave.