
Hot and holy

Like most of you out there in InternetLand, I get a lot of junk e-mail (also known as spam, for those of you who haven't heard), especially to my old e-mail address that I've been using since I started visited Warez sites...I mean surfing the Internet.

Most of the spam I get is your general, run-of-the-mill spam. Increase the size of your package, generic drugs from God-knows-where, earn money by doing nothing, that kind of thing. But occassionally, they're on subjects that interest me.

And nothing interests me more than sexy Christian singles.

Because I like my ladies hot, but holy. Sexy, but sectarian. Bone-able, but baptized. And so when I get an e-mail (solicited or otherwise) claiming that there's a place where I can meet these sexy Christian singles on the web, I'm all ears. Especially when opening that e-mail leads to this happy surprise:

Yowza. No one said anything about sexy ASIAN Christian singles. That totally sweetens the deal. I think this lady will totally drum up a lot of business. Because if there's one thing Christians love, it's blatant displays of near-pornographic material.

I showed
this a while ago to Josh and Allyn and they had these very different responses:

Allyn - "
what is christian about that girl? don't advertise if it's not for sale. a motto to live by."

Josh - "That's hilarious. Her lingerie must have been blessed."

And Allyn's response to Josh's comment? It was, and I quote, "ugh."

I swear, those two are a hit reality TV show waiting to happen. Laugh a minute, they are.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some "advertising" to do.


Scott said...

Is this what you wanted my picture for? Is this why you asked me to come up with personal-ad style aliteration with a Christian twist? If so I hope you do well with my picture and an ad reading

"Manly Methodist seeks Catholic Chick with nice T&A (transubstantiation and annoitment). It may not be the apoclypse, but she had better be prepared for the rapture. The kind I'LL be providing."

I guess you'll have to add to it to reel in the asian girls. But if that was your goal, you really should have had Rob write it in the first place.

- Scott

Rob said...

I mean, I guess if I had to meet a sexy single on-line... I'd rather prefer her to be christian. Opposed to say, satanic or scientologist. As long as she's still into the freaky stuff. Maybe this is a whole new line of fetish. Maybe "nuns" will be the new "school girl." Come to think of it, Catholic School Girl has been in since Hit Me Baby One More Time. Maybe this isn't such a new thing after all.

Reguardless a christian fetish isn't the sort of thing I like to think about. Brings back disturbing memories of The Exorcist.

Jake said...

"Monophysites need not apply."

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

u do love those asians, dontcha tim~


-miss youuuuuu-