
Pure genius

I've decided I need to post more frequently, but a lot of times I don't get to blogging until the end of the day and by then I'm tired and want to write about certain things but don't want to give these things short shrift so I just skip it and hold off until tomorrow but then I feel bad because I didn't post anything and this vicious cycle continues until it's been almost a week and I feel like a slacker and so I just blurt everything out in one long run-on sentence BUT NOT ANYMORE!! IT ENDS TONIGHT!!

I was going through all my pictures on my computer and realized that there are plenty of gems that deserved to be shared but for one reason or another (laziness) have never been. So from now on, if I can't give you a good blog entry, I'll at least try to give you a good pick-a-ture, then attempt to make a pseudo-witty comment about it, then allow you to make truly witty and often cutting comments about it. That's how, from this point forward, we will roll. Most pictures are worth a thousand words. Mine will be worth no more than 275. I'm not greedy. So I now present to you the very first...


This one is in honor of tonight's return of DICEY (way to be on the ball, The Meez). It's a pic from one of last year's rehearsals. The game was Blind Freeze and I had just taken someone's position. My brilliant initiation: "How do you like my new hand hat? It's made from my hands, and it's a hat. It's my handhat."

Honestly people, with that kind of genius, I don't understand why I'm not famous already.


Scott said...

I know you're going to delete this comment, and you're working on a larger picture post. But get on AIM damn it! Also I fully expect this to propagate across the internet among the Rough Ryders fan club.

Scott said...

Now that the post is finished and you haven't deleted this comment, I have to say what a bastard you are. It has long been on my list to blog about past occurances when I have no new story to wow the masses with. And now you've actually done it. How dare you sir? How dare you?

C_thegreat said...

You forget you have just one step to Kyle Cease (as opposed to seven steps to Kevin Bacon, in case that reference was too vague...). That's getting up there on fame.

Guess what Sodexho did now? No straws in Hubble and no rice as a side in Olmsted. Apparently, rice and straws are far too expensive for us to have. (Not to mention the cost/meal went up as well this year). Oh, poop.

DICEY's going to rock tonight, bummer you can't keep being here...
Geez, way to pass all your classes.


C_thegreat said...

Two things:
1) Wow there were a lot of people at DICEY tonight, way awesome
2) I was just on a blog leaving a comment that had "verification" or whatever that is called where they have the squiggly letters you have to type in before leaving a comment. You should invest time in hooking your blog up with that. Just a thought.


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Scotty - Eat it. Every good idea you've ever had, I had before you. Twice.

Corie -

#1) Yeah, I heard. Apparently, I was the albatross around the neck of DICEY. That's great to hear though. Thanks for the moment of silence. If you could please continue building me up to legendary status, that would be great.

#2) Done and done.

C_thegreat said...

Build you up to legendary status. Ok, but don't you think that might be a let down when you do come to visit?

.oh. burn.



tara d. said...

yeah, handhat! that's good enough for chicago. you should be fine. get here!