
I have to get a jorb?

Right, so...job. Need one. Kind of a big "to do" now that I'm in Chicago, along with "learn to use buses" and "don't get mugged." And I'm working on it. I am. I'm working on finding work.

I had a job interview this morning at a PR firm out in the 'burbs. I got it through a professor's recommendation, so I was pleasantly surprised (especially when I set up the interview in the middle of a round of mini-golf). So it took about 50 minutes to drive out there and the traffic is fairly infuriating. (But between today and yesterday when I drove out there just so I knew where I was going, I knocked out a bunch of backlogged podcasts. That was nice.)

They made me take a writing test, which was fairly standard. I felt a little rusty since I hadn't written anything in AP format for a while (God knows I don't use anything approaching correct style on here), but it went pretty okay*. Then I talked to some nice, laid-back people about the company and about
myself. Then I drove home. All in all, I felt pretty good about it.

Okay, so let's take stock.

PROS: Good company, nice people, good benefits, will be able to make a solid contribution right off the bat, probably a decent salary.

CONS: THE COMMUTE SUCKS TO HIGH HEAVEN. It would be at least an hour and 40 minutes stuck in a car every day. I really would hate that. Mass transit isn't really an option because Metra doesn't stop anywhere convenient, so I'd be driving every day,
feeling guilty for using gas like crazy and polluting the air. I know that's a lot of pros to one con, but it's a big con. But who knows, maybe they didn't even like me and won't offer me anything. I've got some other decent leads, so we'll see.

On the plus side, my roommates and I were discussing the fine art of interviewing last night, specifically when asked about your biggest weakness. Everyone does the cliche (because their profs tell them to) and starts out talking about a weakness, but turning it around into a strength. I bet every other person answers, "Oh, I'm a terrible procrastinator, but I'm really good under pressure."

We were thinking about how hilarious it would be if someone really answered that honestly and horribly. Examples:

"Honestly ma'am, my biggest weakness is that I don't actually do any real work. I just appear to."

"My biggest weakness is the LADIES! WHOO!!"

"I am actually a huge racist."

So we're going on and on about this and they're daring me to actually say one if I get 20 minutes in and decide I really don't want the position. I'm scared to death because I'm the one who actually has to interview and I'm worried that this will be all I can think about. Fortunately, I managed to push those thoughts out of my head and talk in a rational manner.

Although I had a really great one about a weakness for Communism.

So honestly candidates, what is your biggest weakness? I look forward to reading your responses in the replies.

*Pretty okay: my new favorite phrase. Second favorite: Burnsauce. Thank you, Dinosaur Comics, for changing the way I speak.


Scott said...

My favorite B.S. answer is that "I'm a perfectionist." However upon noting that I don't style my hair in any particular manner they might not believe this ruse. So I usually go with "I just get so upset when I see someone not doing their work, I try to do it for them." Which is of course, lies.

I'm more likely to find a nice place to nap, and con them into doing my work. However I would never actually do this for a corporation that was not evil. Just so we're clear.

- Scott

Rob said...

My biggest weakness? Cute/Sweet girls. But only as long as they don't display any trace of bitchiness or mean-spiritedness or knowsthatguyswilldoanythingtheyaskness. But yeah, if a girl comes off sincere, I'm a sucker.

Rob said...

and puppies. I have a soft spot, yes I'd even say weakness, for puppies. Even grown dogs.

Rob said...

Chocolate. Can't forget about that. Once a chocolate factory made the decision for me on which city to visit next in Germany. Seriously, who goes to Frankfort when there's a Chocolate Factory in Koln?

Rob said...

My arms. Those are pretty pathetic. The only way I can do any rockclimbing at all is because I'm not a heavy person, not because I'm strong.

Jake said...

My weakness is the inability to work with idiots like Rob who can't shut up.

Scott said...

If'n we aren't being job centric on this one, I'd say my only weakness is bullets. And arrows. And things of that nature. Projectiles are not my friends.

- Scott

P.S. I do seem to be strangely immune to the effects of hockey pucks and shuttlecocks however. Heh heh, except for the girlish giggling over the word shuttlecock.

Anonymous said...

Here's where my interview with Walgreen's went sour last spring:

Them- "So what would you say your biggest weakness is?"
Me- "Wellllll... I'm functionally illiterate and I've committed mass genocide on numerous occasions. Wait... I think I misunderstood the question..."


Anonymous said...

In my interview for the Relays producer position, I told them that I was really into cyber-stalking and that I'm really organized. Only one of which is true. I'll let you guess which one.

My biggest weaknesses would probably be picking at scabs, saying "you know what I mean" a lot, and pseudo-marriages.

Oh, and also killing prostitutes.


Anonymous said...

In my interview for the Relays producer position, I told them that I was really into cyber-stalking and that I'm really organized. Only one of which is true. I'll let you guess which one.

My biggest weaknesses would probably be picking at scabs, saying "you know what I mean" a lot, and pseudo-marriages.

Oh, and also killing prostitutes.


Anonymous said...

oh, and also double posting. I don't even know how I do that.


Anonymous said...

My biggest weakness, eh ...

Well, you know those doughnuts people have in the break room?

I eat them. All. Every last one. I knock down co-workers to get their doughnuts. If there aren't doughnuts there, then I ... I tend to hunt people down demanding them.

You're not gonna ask me why I left my last job, right?

C_thegreat said...

Was that purposeful as part of some obscure reference that I just don't get again?

jopfg is my verification word. Not too far off from jorb...


Timmy Tapeworm said...

Classic Homestar Runner cartoon, Corie...come on. Coach Z? A Jorb Well Done? Ring any bells?

(It's okay, my dad asked if it was a misspelling. So as long as you're okay being on the same cultural awareness level as my dad...you're good.)

Everyone's comments: pretty hilarious.

Scott said...

First of all Coors, twenty points from your cool score. That's an obvious Strong Bad (or more specifically Coach Z) reference.

Secondly, Timmay... get back on AIM. Even if you're just avoiding all the other immature losers on your buddy list create a new name. It can be *ours*. OURS Tim, ours. That way I don't have to cut our witty, well paced banter short ever again.

Also, you should check out Skype. It's not cool if I'm the only person I know on it. This must be like having the first telephone. It more or less blows.

- Scott

Scott said...

Damn you and your ridiculously similar to mine mind!

C_thegreat said...

Sorry. I don't typically memorize EVERYTHING I see, nor do I have endless hours to watch endless internet cartoons. I'm not sure which one it falls under this time.

And I'm totally down with being on the same level as your dad. He's Republican isn't he? That's rockin' in my book. (Well... most of the time... there can be some scary people on ANY part of the spectrum... and I'm just going to give him the benefit of the doubt since I haven't ever seen any news reports of PETA or any of those people throwing paint on him...)

AND my weakness--
If we're going for funnier ones I'd have to say my inability to walk with balance. I can't carry open containers and can't walk faster than a snail without my ponytail whipping out like a horse.
And posting notes on blogs during the hell of a midterm week when I should actually be studying.
Oh, and not being able to have "photographic memory" (audiographic in this case) of cartoons.
And for not being as big of a nerd as you guys, if that counts as a weakness anywhere in the world other than on your blogs.


Anonymous said...

Before I divulge my weakness, Rob, you're way too excellent. That's aDORable.

Ok, weakness: if I feel like I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I sort of just half work at it instead of being pushy about clear direction. This also happens in confrontational situations. If I'm hurt or upset, I can't just start shouting or explaining myself. I have to mull it over for a day or so, but in the meantime, I get really quiet, and then people (read: Keri and Raph) wonder if I hate them.

On the upside, by the time I've calmly figured out my thoughts and determined to confront the person, it doesn't really bother me anymore.

Unless it happens again...then you're DEAD! mwahahaha