
Taxi 54, where are you? Wait, those are two different shows.

Chicago thought of the day: There should be a clearer distinction between taxis and cop cars. The first few times I was driving around the city, I thought, "Geez, I need to be careful. There are cops everywhere in this city."

Then I realized I was mistaking the little availability lights on top of taxis for the flashing lights on top of cop cars. I realize that they are very different in terms of what light they give off when activated, but at a glance, they have very similar structure.

You'll have to excuse me. I've had very little experience with taxis. I think there were about 5 in Des Moines and nonexistent in Springfield. In Jerseyville, for some strange reason, you could get a cab if you called for one. I always felt kind of bad for the kids who got picked up from school in a taxi. Who makes their kid call a taxi to get home, especially in grade school?

So, lesson of the day: taxis do not equal cop cars, although in Jerseyville both are useful for transporting kids to their homes.


Scott said...

You know what? <---- (That's your time to guess. May we all continue to learn from the immortal lessons of Mitch Hedburg.) Here's what. I hate the Comfort Cab. It's the ONE cab in Jerseyville Tim referenced. The man is a moron. One day my car was broken. I had to walk back across town (not that it's far, but still inconvenient) then out of nowhere comes the comfort cab. "Screw this" I thought. I raised my arm to hail the cab and he looked at me and... waved back...


- Scott

P.S. The interior is about five different types of patches and smells like cat piss. Just sayin'.

Timmy Tapeworm said...

Yeah! The Comfort Cab! I knew it had a terribly ironic name. That's hilarious.

tara d. said...

i did the same thing when i moved there - thought those cars looked so much the same.

this is one of those things i'm supposed to teach you about chicago, isn't it? oh no, i'm a failure of a roommate! do you know this diff?: light on = taxi is unoccupied. many, many people do not know that.

in columbus feeling guilty,