

Have you ever been to an improv open mike at midnight on a Friday where the audience is invited to come play improvisation games on stage? Have you ever been to one where said audience is about 75% flamingly gay and about 90% is drunk? After tonight, I can answer yes to both of those questions. And it was quite the experience. I can now also say that I've done long-form improv. But that's another story. And right now, it's 4:44, the sun is coming up, and I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Tim. I'm so glad that you got a blog, so it makes me seem less like a dork. Not that I'm saying it makes you look more like a dork, I'm just saying that "hey, someone who isn't a complete loser has a blog, and I have a blog". Yeah, I'm rambling because I have nothing to say. Argh. Anyhoo, yeah.

Jake Eyers